Raleigh Elevator and Escalator Accident Lawyers

Under North Carolina law, you have the right to receive compensation for your injuries caused by the mistake, negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions of property owner, business owner, or property manager. Our experienced Raleigh elevator and escalator accident lawyers can help.

Our compassionate team helps clients with medical care, medical bills, property damage, and dealing with the stress of their physical recovery. We provide support, care, and concern in the aftermath of tragedies.

As former insurance defense attorneys, we know how to fight for every penny you deserve.

Raleigh elevator and escalator injury lawyers explain elevator injury claims in North Carolina

Elevator Accident Lawyers Serving North Carolina

Our Raleigh Elevator and Escalator Settlements and Verdicts:

  • In 2021, we represented a client (and mother) who was severely injured when an elevator door at a South Carolina beach resort suddenly closed on her shoulder causing a labral tear. Our team of premises liability attorneys in Raleigh, who maintain dual licenses in North Carolina and South Carolina, reached a confidential settlement with the beach resort and its management company for $125,000. Read more here.

  • In 2023, we represented a client (and mother) who was severely injured when an elevator door at a North Carolina office building suddenly closed on her shoulder and nearly knocking her to the ground. Our team of premises liability attorneys in Raleigh, NC reached a settlement with the property owner, property management company, and elevator service company for $120,500. Read more here.

Best Raleigh Elevator Accident Lawyers in Raleigh, NC Explain Elevator and Escalator Accidents and Laws in North Carolina

Raleigh Elevator Accident Claims

If you’re injured while using the elevator or escalator on commercial property, in an office building, at a resort or hotel, or even in a rental house, you have the right to be treated fairly and be compensated for your injuries. When such accidents happen, it's important to understand who is liable and what steps can be taken to seek compensation for injuries or damages. Some lawyers won’t take these cases. And on top of all that, you only have one chance to get it right.

Premises liability is a legal theory that holds property owners or occupiers responsible for injuries that occur on their property due to hazardous conditions or activities. In North Carolina, the law of premises liability is governed by common law, which means it is based on judicial decisions and precedents rather than statutory law.

Common Injuries Caused by Escalator and Elevator Accidents in Raleigh, NC

Property accidents can cause minor and serious injuries bodily injuries to everyone involved.  Some of the most common types of injuries our escalator and elevator accident lawyers in Raleigh, NC see in their cases are:

  • Back and spine injuries

  • Neck injuries

  • Brain injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

  • Sprained and bruised knees, ankles, wrists, hips, and shoulders

  • Broken bones

  • Crushing injuries

  • Fire, electrocution, and burns

  • Eye injuries

  • Hearing loss

  • Amputations

  • Chest and abdominal injuries

  • Anxiety and psychological injuries

Damages You Can Recover for Your Elevator or Escalator Accident in Raleigh, NC

The personal injuries you suffered in your premises liability accident may entitle you to monetary payments and compensation.  Some of the most common types of damages (explained in more detail here) recovered in the cases handled by our Raleigh premises liability injury lawyers are:

  • Medical bills paid/reimbursed

  • Future medical expenses

  • Lost wages and income for time you missed at work

  • Pain and suffering/mental anguish

  • Loss of consortium if your accident affected your relationship with your spouse

  • Permanent disability, scarring, or disfigurement

  • Punitive damages to punish the other party for particularly bad, reckless, or outrageous conduct that caused your injuries

Best North Carolina Elevator Injury Attorney in Raleigh, NC

North Carolina Elevator and Escalator Laws

Liability laws for elevator accidents vary depending on the circumstances of the accident. In general, property owners are responsible for ensuring that their elevators are properly maintained and safe for use. If an elevator accident occurs, liability may be assigned to one or more parties, including the property owner, elevator maintenance company, or elevator manufacturer.

Under North Carolina law, property owners have a duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition. This includes ensuring that elevators are properly maintained and free from defects that could cause an accident. If an elevator accident occurs, the property owner may be held liable for any injuries or damages that result.

In addition to property owners, elevator maintenance companies can also be held liable for elevator accidents. These companies have a duty to properly maintain elevators and ensure they are safe for use. If an elevator accident occurs due to a maintenance company's negligence, the company may be held liable for any injuries or damages that result.

Finally, elevator manufacturers can also be held liable for accidents if the accident was caused by a design flaw or manufacturing defect. In such cases, the manufacturer may be held liable for any injuries or damages that result from the accident.

Common Causes of Elevator Accidents in Raleigh, NC

Elevator accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including mechanical failure, operator error, and inadequate maintenance. Some of the most common causes of elevator accidents include:

Mechanical Failure:

Mechanical failure is one of the leading causes of elevator accidents. Defective parts, worn cables, faulty wiring, and other mechanical problems can cause elevators to malfunction, resulting in injuries or fatalities.

Operator Error:

Elevator operators can make mistakes that lead to accidents. For example, failing to properly close doors, overloading the elevator, or failing to stop the elevator at the correct floor can all result in injuries or fatalities.

Inadequate Maintenance and Inspections:

Elevators require regular maintenance to ensure they are in good working order. Failure to properly maintain an elevator can lead to accidents, such as when worn cables snap or other parts fail.

Design Flaws:

In some cases, elevator accidents are caused by design flaws. For example, elevators may be installed with inadequate safety features, or they may be located in a poorly designed or maintained building.

How to Win Escalator and Elevator Accident Claims in Raleigh, NC

There are several defenses that property owners or occupiers may raise in an elevator or escalator accident case in North Carolina. One defense is contributory negligence, which means that the injured person's own actions contributed to the injury. If the injured person was partially at fault for the injury, they may be barred from recovering damages or their damages may be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to them.

Another defense is lack of notice, which means that the property owner claims it was not aware that the elevator was malfunctioning when the incident occurred. The idea of “notice” is important in elevator and escalator accident cases. You must prove that the property owner or property management company knew or should have known that the elevator was poorly maintained and malfunctioning.

Finally, property owners or occupiers may argue that the injury was caused by an act of God or a third party, which means that the injury was caused by a natural disaster or the actions of someone other than the property owner or occupier. In these cases, the property owner or occupier may not be liable for the injury.

That’s why it is important to speak with an experienced elevator accident lawyer about your claims and injuries.

Why Are Injuries on Elevators So Common in Raleigh, NC?

  • Frequently property owners don’t treat guest safety as a priority and fail to keep the machinery maintained

  • Older properties often have older machinery, which are expensive to replace but are past their useful life

  • Because of poor supervision or lack internal policies, the machinery is frequently not inspected or regularly maintained, including elevator doors (where most accidents occur)

  • Property owners often fail to post hazard signs to warn the public of hidden or unknown dangers

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Elevator and Escalator Accidents in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, the statute of limitations for filing a escalator or elevator accident lawsuit is three years from the date of the injury. This means that the injured person must file a lawsuit within three years of the date of the injury or they may be barred from recovering damages.

What Should I Do After an Elevator Accident in Raleigh, NC?

If you have been involved in an elevator accident in North Carolina, there are several steps you should take to protect your rights and seek compensation for your injuries or damages:

Seek Medical Attention:

If you have been injured in an elevator accident, your first priority should be to seek medical attention. Even if your injuries appear minor, it's important to get checked out by a doctor to ensure you don't have any hidden injuries or underlying medical conditions. Failure to seek treatment right away can weaken your claims.

Report the Accident Immediately:

You should report the elevator accident to the property owner or manager as soon as possible. This will ensure that there is a record of the accident and that steps can be taken to prevent future accidents.

Gather Evidence of the Elevator or Escalator:

If possible, gather evidence from the scene of the accident, such as photographs of the elevator, witness statements, and any other relevant information. This evidence can be helpful in building your case and proving liability.

Contact an Experienced Elevator Accident Attorney:

If you have been injured in an elevator accident, you should contact an experienced elevator accident lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can hire an expert engineer to inspect and examine the elevator or escalator to determine the cause of the accident. The longer you wait after an accident to contact a lawyer, the less evidence that may be available to help prove your case.

Why Do You Need a Lawyer for an Elevator or Escalator Accident in Raleigh, NC?

Accidents that occur on the property of a business or private party can be difficult to prove and often strongly challenged by insurance companies. Premises liability cases frequently involve arguments that the person who was injured was contributorily negligent (meaning they caused their own injuries due to their inattention or mistakes).  This can result in lower recoveries for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and other damages following an accident.

How Do I Find the Best Raleigh Elevator Accident Lawyer for My Case?

Like every profession, injury lawyers vary in experience, skills, style, dedication, and levels of customer service so “best” can mean different things to different people. It’s a good idea to see if the injury lawyers you are considering have positive client testimonials, good (and recent) case results, and are passionate about helping others. It depends on whether you want to hire a law firm that works with thousands of clients every year or a smaller firm that only focuses on a limited number of cases. The relationship between lawyer and client requires a significant amount of trust and communication over an extended period of time, so the most important factor is choosing a lawyer that “feels right” to you.

Raleigh Elevator and Escalator Injury Statistics

Elevators are an essential part of modern life, providing a convenient means of transportation for people and goods in high-rise buildings. While they are generally considered safe, accidents can and do occur, sometimes with devastating consequences. According to data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, elevators and escalators kill more than 30 people every year while injury more than 17,000 in the US.

Free Elevator Injury Case Evaluation

If you or a loved one have been injured and want to know your legal rights, our experienced Raleigh personal injury lawyers are available to help.

Raleigh Elevator and Escalator Injury Cases We Handle

We can help with any elevator or escalator injury claim, but the accidents listed below are the most common elevator and escalator injury claims we handle in North Carolina:

  • Door closing injuries

  • Sudden drops

  • Fast closing doors

  • Arm crush and tear

  • Entrapment

  • Mechanical Failure

  • Operator Error

  • Inadequate Maintenance

  • Inadequate Inspections

  • Design Flaws

  • Installation Errors

  • Toe and sandal injuries

Raleigh Injury Lawyer Prices

For transparent pricing on what our Raleigh elevator and escalator injury attorneys charge to help you with your accident, please review our upfront pricing policies.

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Why Our Raleigh Injury Lawyers Provide Free Consultations

Free legal consultations play a vital role in ensuring access to justice as well as promoting fairness, justice, and the well-being of accident victims. That’s why our award-winning Raleigh personal injury lawyers always provide free consultations for potential clients

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Raleigh Personal Injury Lawyers

Even if the at-fault party’s insurance company blames you for the accident, our Raleigh injury attorneys can help you recover the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve for your damages. Contact us for a free consultation.