Raleigh Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Explains Who Decides Medical Care for Workplace Injuries:

If you suffer a workplace injury and your workers’ compensation claim is accepted by your employer, then the insurance company is responsible for all medical bills related to the treatment for that injury. While you won’t have to worry about paying to see the doctor, our Raleigh workers’ compensation lawyers explain why you employer’s insurance company will still be involved in your medical treatment.

Why Is the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Carrier Involved in My Medical Care?

  • The insurance company selects your doctor. You can continue seeing your own doctor, if you choose, but you are responsible for paying any such bills. If you disagree with the insurance company’s doctor, we can help you request a second opinion from another physician.

  • The insurance company sees all records related to the medical treatment. These records become some of the main evidence in your workers’ compensation claim and the insurance company is entitled to review them.

  • On occasion, the insurance company may hire a nurse case manager to coordinate your care. These nurses often serve as a shared point of contact for you, your lawyer, your doctors, the insurance company, and the insurance company’s attorney. The nurse case managers can communicate your medical history with the insurance company, but they should never advocate against you in the process.

Can the Workers’ Comp Insurance Carrier Deny Medical Treatment?

Unfortunately, yes. The insurance company often looks for any possible reason to deny your right to necessary medical treatment caused by your workplace injury. However, a workers’ compensation attorney can help fight to get you the care you need.

What If the Workers’ Comp Insurance Carrier Denies Necessary Medical Treatment?

When that happens, an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer will file paperwork with the Industrial Commission (which oversees all workers’ compensation claims in North Carolina) to order the insurance company to pay. Our workers’ comp attorneys in Raleigh, NC have experience handling these matters and holding the insurance company’s to their obligations.

Learn more about workers’ compensation claims in North Carolina.

Raleigh Workers' Compensation Lawyer Discusses Why Employers Get to Decide Treatment in a North Carolina Workers' Compensation Claim

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Raleigh Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Near You

If you were injured at work or in a workplace accident, contact our experienced workers’ compensation lawyers in Raleigh, North Carolina for a free consultation. We help workers all across North Carolina. We can help you and your family recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and future disability.  Our attorneys have experience in these cases to help ensure that you recover the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve for your injuries.